Media enquiries

For the past 40 years scientists from the Climatic Research Unit have featured in the international media highlighting the latest scientific developments in the field of climate change. Please direct all media enquiries to the UEA media centre.

In 2009 and 2011, stolen CRU data and emails were published online. Details of the independent inquiries into the Climategate affair and all related submissions, statements, corrections and reports can be found on the CRU statements page on the UEA website.

News and events

Observing and Explaining Climate Change

CRU’s work to produce a record of how the world’s temperature was changing began in 1978 and reached a particular milestone with the creation of the first combined land and marine temperature record in 1986 (the precursor to the current HadCRUT dataset). This record demonstrates unequivocally that the globe has warmed since 1850, and provides the basis for research that aims to explain the causes of this warming. CRU started to explore “fingerprint” methods to assess how the observed patterns of climate change match those that can be attributed to particular causes. By the mid-1990s, an international research team, including CRU, was able to detect the fingerprint of human-caused climate change. This finding has been strengthened ever since, as climate change emerges ever more strongly from the background natural variability.

This research meeting will explore the development of global instrumental records of climate change – including, but not limited to, CRU’s seminal contribution – and how they are used in the detection and attribution of climate change. Talks will cover both the earlier developments as well as the state-of-the-art research.

Venue: Thomas Paine Study Centre Lecture Theatre
Date: Tuesday 7 June, 16:00-18:00

Phil Jones (Climatic Research Unit, School of Environmental Sciences,UEA, Norwich, UK)
Dr Kate Willett (Met Office, Exeter, UK) 
Ben Santer (Formerly at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California, USA)
Kasia Tokarska (Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zürich, Switzerland)


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