
The ARRISA-UK study has begun randomisation of GP practices.

Practice randomisation has begun in the ARRISA-UK study among the practices which had previously expressed an interest in the study, completed the  GP Survey have recently done the searches to identify patients with increased at risk for severe asthma events. This has started in the Norfolk area and the study will roll out from there. In addition several other practices are in the final stages of setup.

There have been a further 65+ practices which have expressed interest and are at various stages of doing the initial practice survey, contractual signup with UEA, and initial patient searches to identify at risk patients. These are in locations around Kent & Medway, Wessex, and the North Thames region of London. Further invitations to participate in the study have been and are being sent to practices in the Eastern Region. Work to expand the study to other regions is underway, including Scotland, Wales, South West Peninsula, Greater Manchester, East Midlands and the North East.

By Stanley Musgrave