Upcoming MathTASK Events

September 10, 2024: MathTASK Workshop, Chalkida, Greece

Irene Biza and Elena Nardi will offer a MathTASK workshop at the summer school of  the Master's course in mathematics education of the Mathematics Department of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The summer school will take place in Chalkida, Greece.


Previous Events and Activities


16 and 17 May 2023: MathTASK workshop for Teachers of Mathematics
Irene Biza  (on behalf of UEA's MathTASK team), Dimitris Kalykakis (current Secondary School Mathematics Advisor) and Ioannis Kanellos (UEA academic associate and retired Secondary School Mathematics Advisor) offered a two-day (10 hour) MathTASK professional development workshop for primary and secondary school teachers of mathematics in Crete, Greece. The workshop focused on the role of digital (and analogue) resources in problem solving as a springboard in students' transition from primary to secondary mathematics.