ClimateUEA is delighted to introduce our PhD cohort, as part of the programme 'Critical Decade for Climate Change Leverhulme Doctoral Scholars', directed by Professor Corinne Le Quéré and Deputy Director Dr Mark Tebboth.


Grace Shu Lin

Transforming diets for environmental sustainability through experimental interventions

Supervisors: Stefan Penczynski (ECO), Charlie Wilson (ENV)/ Maria Isabel Santana (DEV)

Grace Shu Lin is a Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholar at the University of East Anglia as part of the Critical Decade programme and the Department of Economics. Grace’s research focuses on measuring the changes in individual dietary behaviour and aggregate dietary trends, testing the effectiveness of behavioural interventions to change dietary patterns, and estimating the consequences for reductions of carbon emissions.

Grace holds a Master's degree in Economics & Psychology with honours from University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne and a Bachelor’s degree in International Economics and Trade from Zhejiang Gongshang University in China. She has 5 years' working experience in communication and marketing across Asia Pacific. With a multinational background, Grace strives to contribute to a sustainable food future on a global scale.

What are you most excited about in joining the Critical Decade PhD programme?

I am most excited about the opportunity to conduct research to promote environmental sustainability in an interdisciplinary research team, as well as the possibility to empower policy, people, and industry with valuable insights during this critical decade.
