FOI disclosure log

Responses to Freedom of Information and Environmental Information requests

The Disclosure Log is where we publish our responses to Freedom of Information and Environmental Information requests.

Responses are categorised by subject are and we include the date received and date responded for each request.  Responses are kept on the log for three years, and all links are correct at the time of publication.  

If you'd like to know more about any of the information we publish here, contact quoting the request reference if necessary (e.g. FOI_20-123).

Disclosure Log

FOI_24-179 Completion rates of pre-registration Nursing students

Date of response: 25 July 2024

We have now considered your request of 09 July 2024 for the following information:

I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act about nursing student pre-registration degree course completions at your institution.

Please supply information on all students who began pre-registration nursing degree courses in the academic years we have asked for, regardless of which month your university’s academic year begins. 

If a student has stepped off from their studies, or otherwise taken a break in the academic years we have asked for completion rates for, please count this as a non-completion.
Question 1. In total, how many undergraduate students began three-year pre-registration nursing degree courses [in any field of nursing] at your university in the academic year 2020-21? - This data should include any cohorts that started in either September 2020 or January 2021 intakes.

Question 2. In total, how many of the above students completed these three-year pre-registration nursing degree courses [of any field of nursing] at your university on time three years later? Normally this would be the summer of 2023 but may also include in the six or so months following for that date those students that started in January 2021. 

[Please do not include figures for those nursing students who started programmes prior to 2020-21 and had previously stepped off their programme but who returned to their course and completed in summer 2023 or early 2024]

Question3. If   your institution only offers four-year pre-registration programmes, please give us the same information for those nursing students finishing in the same timeframe as detailed above in question 2.

Question 4. As well as providing an overall total of nursing students who began and completed these courses, please also supply the same information on starters and completers but broken down into the nursing fields of study that your institution offers, eg; ‘Mental Health Nursing’ students; ‘Adult Nursing’ students; ‘Learning Disability Nursing’ students; ‘Children’s Nursing’ students.


Our response:

  How many students started three-year pre-reg nursing degrees in 2020-21? How many completed these three-year courses in 2022-23?
Total 273 181
Mental health nursing (BSC)  49 31
Learning Disability Nursing (BSC)   10 8
Children’s nursing (BSC)  55 39
Adult nursing 159 103

 Please note that in respect of Question 3 of your request, the University does not only offer four-year pre-registration programmes, therefore we have not provided the same information for nursing students finishing within the same time frame as detailed in question 2. 

Make a request

To make a request for information not already published please contact the Information Compliance team at or view the Requests for Information page.

Please note that web and email addresses provided within the released documentation were correct at the time of disclosure. This means many links in the documentation may subsequently be out of date.