FOI disclosure log

Responses to Freedom of Information and Environmental Information requests

The Disclosure Log is where we publish our responses to Freedom of Information and Environmental Information requests.

Responses are categorised by subject are and we include the date received and date responded for each request.  Responses are kept on the log for three years, and all links are correct at the time of publication.  

If you'd like to know more about any of the information we publish here, contact quoting the request reference if necessary (e.g. FOI_20-123).

Disclosure Log

FOI_24-164 Afghan nationals enrolled since 2014

Date of response: 05 July 2024

We have now considered your request of 19 June 2024 for the following information:

Question 1… the number of Afghan students at your establishment each year over the past decade. Is there any chance you could kindly supply me with this information? Any support at all with this request would be most appreciated.

Our response: 


Academic Year Total number of Afghan students enrolled 
2014-15 <5
2015-16 <5
2016-17 <5
2017-18 <5
2018-19 <5
2019-20 <5
2020-21 7
2021-22 11
2022-23 21
2023-24 18


On this occasion, it is not possible to provide all the requested information. The Act contains several exemptions that allow public authorities to withhold certain information from release. We have applied the following exemption to part of your request.

Exemption Reason
s.40(2), Personal information  Disclosure of some of the requested information would be contrary to the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulation

We can confirm that the University does hold this data. However, due to the small numbers involved, we consider these details are exempt from disclosure under Section 40(2) of the FOI Act.

Due to the small numbers involved, it would be possible to identify a living individual(s) from this information and, therefore, we would consider it to be personal data. Disclosure of this personal data would contravene the first data protection principle of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), that being Principle (a) – lawfulness, fairness, and transparency. We consider that disclosure would constitute unfair processing of the data as any individual would reasonably expect for their data to remain confidential and not released to the public. The University is only permitted to disclose personal data if to do so would be fair, lawful, and transparent. Therefore, the requirements of this exemption are met, and we are unable to disclose this information.

To ensure that we do not inadvertently release personal data in this response or in combination with other publicly available data, we have replaced all values between 1 and 4 in relation to the number of individuals with the value ‘<5’. 


Make a request

To make a request for information not already published please contact the Information Compliance team at or view the Requests for Information page.

Please note that web and email addresses provided within the released documentation were correct at the time of disclosure. This means many links in the documentation may subsequently be out of date.