Media enquiries

For the past 40 years scientists from the Climatic Research Unit have featured in the international media highlighting the latest scientific developments in the field of climate change. Please direct all media enquiries to the UEA media centre.

In 2009 and 2011, stolen CRU data and emails were published online. Details of the independent inquiries into the Climategate affair and all related submissions, statements, corrections and reports can be found on the CRU statements page on the UEA website.

News and events

Climate Dynamics

CRU’s work has always included research into the dynamical processes that govern the expression of climate change on a regional scale and on the hydrological cycle. This aspect has, however, greatly expanded in the last decade of CRU’s 50-year existence, so that it is now a central focus of many of its staff and students. We consider many aspects of climate dynamics, including large-scale climate variability, monsoons, ocean-ice shelf interactions, the role of clouds in amplifying climate change, the warming contrast between land and sea – and even the climates of Earth-like exoplanets.

This research meeting will explore many facets of climate dynamics to which CRU’s research has made significant contributions towards improved understanding. Details TBC.

Venue: Lecture Theatre 2
Date: Tuesday 28 June, 16:30-17:30

Dave Thompson (School of Environmental Sciences, UEA, Norwich, UK)
Jessica Vial (LMD/IPSL, Paris, France)
Natasha Senior (Climatic Research Unit, School of Environmental Sciences, UEA, Norwich, UK)

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