
ARRISA-UK Study Update - May 2022 - Research nearing completion

ARRISA-UK Study Update - May 2022 - Research nearing completion 

The study has randomised all of the needed GP Practices; and no longer needs to recruit more practices.

The ARRISA observation period for all practices has ended, but this isn’t the end of the study! We had a lot of data to collect. Here’s a brief summary of what’s been happening for ARRISA over the last few months…

  • NHS Digital have granted permission to access secondary care data in England and link the two datasets – a huge milestone for the study.
  • Our funder (NIHR) has funded an extension to cover  the costs and time to link primary and secondary care data, with a new study end date of 31/10/2022.

As COVID lockdown eased, our focus once again returned to completing the study as quickly as possible. Our sponsor and CRN agreed that we should be able to proceed as no patient facing work was required. We needed to contact practices to agree an updated data processing agreement and last steps.

We want to give a big thank you! 244 GP practices, over 90% of those participating, have completed primary care data extraction with our partners OPC; The secondary care data requests to NHS Digital in England, PHS in Scotland and NWIS in Wales are also proceeding.

We have begun work on the data analysis required for the analysis of the study and will disseminate that as soon as possible, likely in Early 2023.