Latest statements from UEA

Voices for action against racism - International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Monday 21 March

Tackling racism in higher education takes COURAGE for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff and students to challenge racism in a predominantly white environment. 

When there is an evident lack of racial representation in white-dominant universities, it has profound effects: subtle and overt racist practices often go unnoticed and unchallenged; ignorance of the complexity around racial visibility and the marginal positioning of BAME staff and students in the Academy can go undetected. In the absence of racial representation, some BAME individuals are silenced whilst others may find it harder to voice regular experiences of racial injustice, humiliation, exclusion, and unfair treatment. 

At UEA we acknowledge that currently, there is extensive work to be undertaken to address the pervasive nature of racism and as a starting point, we have zero tolerance for any form of racism at our university. Leading from the top, Vice Chancellor Prof David Richardson co-chairs UEA’s Tackling Racism Taskforce with Dr Carlene Cornish to examine institutional activities aimed at promoting greater racial equality and diversity within the university. Racial representation has thus increased at some senior committees and BAME staff therefore have opportunity to voice ideas and challenge work practices that could perpetuate racial discrimination. 

UEA recognises that tackling racial inequality is emotionally demanding. Having a collective response, increased solidarity and enabling colleagues across race, age, social class and gender to take collective action against racism. We accept that we still have a long way to go in eradicating racism. Today, we also recognise the small positive changes that can lead to racial equality at UEA.   

Dr Carlene Cornish, Co-Chair VC Taskforce on Tackling Racism at UEA
Vice-Chancellor Prof David Richardson, Co-Chair VC Taskforce on Tackling Racism at UEA