Latest statements from UEA

Statement on Afghanistan from UEA Vice-Chancellor Professor David Richardson

The University of East Anglia (UEA) is deeply concerned at the distressing scenes unfolding in Afghanistan and calls for the UK Government to expedite the safe passage of affected students to take up their place to study in the UK.   

We are asking for the government to confirm that the decision to pause the Chevening programme in Afghanistan for the 2021-22 academic year has been reversed. We will continue to do all that we can to support and accelerate any required visas and funding as needed, along with the safe travel of Chevening Scholars to the UK.

The University is in contact with current and prospective students from Afghanistan, including Chevening Scholars, who were due to start their courses at UEA in September this year.  Ongoing support from the University is available, including financial support, and this has been offered to those affected.  

UEA is proud to be recognised as a University of Sanctuary, as part of the City of Sanctuary movement and is committed to helping reduce the barriers to participation in higher education.  As ever, we will work alongside Universities UK to help and support those who wish to begin and continue their studies in the UK.

You can read the Universities of Sanctuary statement on their website.

David Richardson, Vice Chancellor 
University of East Anglia (UEA)