The Independent Review was led by Sir Muir Russell KCB DL FRSE.
Full Report
NB: Please note that the appendices to the Report which list the published background material were correct at 1700 on 7 July 2010. However, further background material will be added to the Website in due course. The relevant appendices to the downloadable Report will amended to reflect this. However, the main body of the Report will not be affected in any way.
Transcript and Audio Recording of the Press Conference
The Independent Review was led by Sir Muir Russell KCB DL FRSE. It investigated key allegations arising from the series of hacked emails from the Climatic Research Unit. Full details of its terms of reference and scope can be found on the About page.
The University of East Anglia (UEA) announced the Independent Review on 3 December 2009.
Sir Muir and the Review team held a press briefing at the Science Media Centre in London on 11 February 2010.
26/10/10 Trial Analysis Code Published
The ICCER has provided example code to read and grid the GHCN data set and produce an annual temperature series. The Review used such code in the “trial analysis” described in chapter six of our report.
Readers should note that this code is made available under the GNU General Public License of the Open Software Initiative. It is simply code rather than any kind of supported product. It is distributed without any warranty, implied or otherwise and will not be supported. All files are contained in a compressed .zip file. Those wishing to use this code will need to review the Readme file in the download carefully to ensure that they have the required C++ environment in order to compile the code and an appropriate histogram plotting environment with which to display the results.