Getting Support For ADA Related Problems
All support requests should be sent to hpc.admin
You can help us provide a faster solution by giving us the following information when reporting issues:
Login Issues
• Name and location of machine connecting from
• Confirmation you are trying to connect to
• OS and connection method (windows, utty, winscp, linux ssh etc)
• Confirmation you are using your standard UEA username and password
General job issues
• Application being used
• A general description of the problem
• Output of ‘which <application>' - eg 'which matlab'
• Output of ‘module list'
• Any error or warning messages
• Location and name of job submission script and output files
• Location of input and output data
• Have you run this application before on the cluster successfully ?
• Have you used this input data successfully on the cluster ?
• Node name
Getting Support for Linux related issues:
Please see the following page (UEA login required)
Getting Support for Windows related issues:
Please contact the UEA IT Service Desk