Useful organisations.
If you are looking for further information about orchards, the best place to start is with your local orchard group. You will find some here, and some in our list of partners. The following organisations are also very orchard-friendly. And of course you are welcome to contact Orchards East .
Ancient Tree Forum - looking after our ancient trees
The Abundance Network – harvesting fruit trees up and down the country
Community Land Advisory Service – offer free advice and useful training to orchard groups about land access, leases and finding a site
The Conservation Volunteers - help hundreds of thousands of people each year to reclaim local green places
English Heritage - gardens and landscape conservation
Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group - helping farmers with trusted, independent environmental advice
The Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens - supports, represents and promotes community-managed farms and gardens across the UK
Fruitful Schools – planting fruit trees in schools across the UK
The Gardens Trust – dedicated to the research and conservation of designed landscapes
The National Allotment Society – promotes and preserves allotments for all
The Orchard Project - bringing community orchards to cities and towns
Royal Horticultural Society - provides advice and inspiration on all aspects of gardening
Sustain - the alliance for better food and farming
Transition Network - A movement of communities coming together to reimagine and rebuild our world
The Wildlife Trust – caring for more than 2000 nature reserves including notable old orchards
The Woodland Trust - the UK's largest woodland conservation charity