What is 'Conversation Partners'?
Conversation Partners is organised by the Speech & Language Therapy programme at the University of East Anglia (UEA).
You will have regular conversations with a Speech and Language Therapy student.
Students will not provide therapy, but will offer interesting and enjoyable conversations.
The students are trained in supported communication.
How does it work?
Students will arrange weekly meetings with you. Meetings take place between October and May.
They may visit you at your home or meet via video calls with you using Zoom, Facetime or Skype using your computer, phone or tablet.
Visits to your home will be dependent on your geographical location.
What can we talk about?
You can talk about the things you enjoy, for example:
Would you like to take part in Conversation Partners?
If YES: contact Neil Coull (n.coull@uea.ac.uk)
If you would like to talk to us, you or a friend or family member can contact us:
Neil Coull, Conversation Partner Scheme Coordinator
Telephone: 01603 597117 Email: n.coull@uea.ac.uk