These HSC practice education webpages are designed for our practice partners as a 'one stop' resource to support you in your vital role in supervising, teaching and assessing students.
As a qualified practitioner, you will be ensuring that students become fit for practice and are effective future practitioners.
We hope that the information available here will provide you with what you need to know about practice education and that it covers the information you will need to support our students on their practice education experience.
Practice education is a compulsory element of any undergraduate course for health care practitioners and for most programmes, it constitutes between one third to half of the duration of any course.
While the amount of time spent on placement varies across programmes, it's expected that students treat their placement time professionally.
Spending time in placement will provide students with the opportunity to experience a range of health and care provision in diverse environments.
Getting involved with patient/client/service user care will help to develop their abilities and confidence as a healthcare professional. Furthermore, it will support them in developing the skills required to interact effectively with services users, carers and professional colleagues within multi-agency and professional teams as well as across organisations and services.
As healthcare in the UK is provided around the clock, they will have the opportunity to experience real working patterns which for some programmes will include undertaking varied shifts and overnight working.
How we work
The School works very closely and in collaboration with a range of service providers across a wide geographical area in order ensure that the quality of practice education meets the needs of all stakeholders.
The use of these practice placements facilitates the university in being able to make our students aware of the diverse and complex needs of a variety of groups and individuals.
Accordingly, while some placements will be local to Norwich others will take our students further afield where they will be expected to travel and may require staying away from their normal place of residence.
David Huggins
Director of Practice Education
Contact us
General enquiries
Out of hours practice related emergencies
Please contact UEA Security on 01603 592352.