This scheme is closed to new members but some non-academic staff who joined prior to November 2007 continue to pay into it. The scheme is administered in-house by UEA staff.
You can get an estimate of your prospective retirement benefits under the University of East Anglia Staff Superannuation Scheme (UEASSS) by contacting the Pensions team.
UEASSS booklet
The UEASSS booklet provides a simple guide to the Staff Superannuation Scheme. If you have any questions about the scheme or would like an estimate of your prospective retirement benefits please contact the Pensions team.
Updating Beneficiaries
If you would like to update your beneficiaries please complete the form below and return to the pensions team:
Expression of Wish Form USSS01
Latest Scheme Updates
UEASSS Trustee Report and Accounts 2022/23
Engagement Policy Implementation Statement 2023/4
Actuarial Report as at 31/07/2022
UEASSS Summary Funding Statement 31 July 2023
Notice to UEASSS members regarding Pension Input Period (PIP)
Members of UEASSS enjoy tax relief on contributions paid in and are also able to draw part of their retirement benefits as a tax-free lump sum on retirement. Pension incomes are however taxed as earned income under the PAYE system.
There are limits though on the amount of retirement benefits you can build up each year and this is called the 'Annual Allowance'.
This limit is expressed as a capital value and for the 2020/2021 year the limit is £40,000. It is the amount by which your pension benefits including any additional voluntary contributions (AVCs), have grown during what's called a Pension Input Period (PIP), which the UEASSS Trustees have nominated as 1 August to 31 July each year, and have done so in each year from and including 2006/2007. This period also coincides with the scheme's annual benefit statements.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact pensions in the first instance.
UEASSS Statement of Investment Principles