Pension Schemes
There are 4 different pension schemes for employees at University of East Anglia:
Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) – This scheme is available for all new academic members of staff. Up until 1st January 2021, the Scheme was used for all new starters. The scheme itself is a central defined benefit pension scheme for the majority of UK Universities.
University of East Anglia Group Personal Pension (UEAGPP) – This scheme is available for all support staff who joined from 1st January 2021 and is available for other support staff not currently in a pension scheme. It is a defined contribution scheme.
University of East Anglia Staff Superannuation Scheme (UEASSS) – This scheme is closed to new members but some non-academic staff who joined prior to November 2007 continue to pay into the scheme. This scheme is administered in-house by UEA staff.
National Health Service Pension Scheme (NHSPS) – This scheme is available only if certain criteria is met for a new employee. It is only available for staff in the Medical School and they have to have been in NHSPS within 12 months of their employment at UEA. Those who are eligible should be made aware within their contract of employment. You can get an estimate of your prospective retirement benefits under the NHS Pension Scheme by contacting pensions. Further information can be found on the NHS Pensions Agency website.
USS vs UEAGPP Comparison Table
Pension Scheme Eligibility faqs
Pensions Extra
The University, in common with many other universities and companies in the private sector, introduced changes to the way in which employees paid their pension contributions, with effect from 1 November 2008. These changes applied to staff members of both the national Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) and to the University of East Anglia Staff Superannuation Scheme (UEASSS).
A detailed guidance is available at Pensions Extra Information Booklet.
Any further detailed queries should be addressed to the Pensions Office.
Name | Position | Phone | |
Pension Mailbox | |||
Teresa McCarthy | Payroll and Pensions Business Partner | 1211 | |
Duncan Sides | Pensions Manager | 2676 | |
Andrew Marshall | Pensions Assistant | ||
Martin Lake | Senior Pensions Administrator | 2674 | |
Moyosore Bakare | Pensions Administrator |
Staff Superannuation Scheme