GP Academic Clinical Fellows (GP ACFs) are jointly supervised by an academic and a clinical trainer with specific project supervision depending on your research interests. The GP ACF training programme is individually tailored and comprises 25% research plus 75% general practice training over four years.
It is expected that during ST1-2 the working week will remain predominantly clinical, but with regular communication with your academic supervisor and attending meetings for clinical academic trainees in the department. During this time your research interests will be explored and preliminary work may be undertaken such as a literature review as well as possibly contributing to other UEA research projects during this time. GP ACFs are encouraged to attend academic conferences during this period and to present their work where possible.
During ST3-4, the working week will be split between academic general practice work and clinical general practice work with 50:50 split across the two years, applied flexibly according to clinical service requirements and individual training needs (generally 60:40 in ST3 and 40:60 in ST4).
You will also be expected to contribute to MB BS teaching during your fellowship to start to develop the skills in teaching and supervision required in an academic career. Some examples of teaching opportunities include problem based learning, clinical communications skills, research methods, standard setting, assessments and marking.
One of the core aims of the GP ACF programme is to prepare you for a future career in academic general practice. It is intended that an ACF will develop a high quality application for a doctoral training fellowship (for example, NIHR, MRC or Wellcome funded) or NIHR in-practice fellowship (IPF) or similar during their post. Full support for such an application will be provided. Those who already hold a PhD (for example, obtained prior to medical training) will be encouraged to apply for a Clinical Lectureship.
Contact for the GP ACF programme at UEA is Dr Helen Parretti.