UEA accommodation offers rooms which have been adapted for use by disabled students. These rooms are a range of room types and prices and are integrated in flats with non-adapted rooms, rather than being located together in a specific area.
It is important to share your disability (including mental health conditions) or long-term health conditions that we may need to know about when applying for accommodation, to ensure that any accommodation needs or other necessary arrangements can be discussed and organised in advance.
We strongly encourage applicants and students to be open about their disability or medical condition related accommodation requirements and work with us to ensure those can be met for the duration of their stay in UEA residences.
If the UEA Accommodation team has not been made fully aware of the adaptations or requirements of a student with a disability, we cannot guarantee that suitable accommodation will be available on the student's arrival - although of course, every reasonable attempt shall be made.
In order for us to offer or adapt appropriate accommodation for disabled students (including mental health conditions) or long-term health conditions, we require students to advise us of their requirements with detailed information on the application form.
This will enable us to work with you in advance of your arrival to provide appropriate accommodation and adaptions for physical or mental disabilities where required. Without detailed information we cannot guarantee that you will have everything you need on your arrival.
For information on further support provided at UEA during your studies, please contact the Student Service Disability team.