neaco helps young people from East Anglia with little or no experience of university to explore the world of higher education.
We work with students from Years 9–13 who live in areas identified by the government as having low rates of progression to higher education.
Who we are
Our consortium includes five universities and eight further education colleges in East Anglia. Together, we are working towards the government’s national aim of doubling the proportion of students from under-represented neighbourhoods progressing to higher education and degree level apprenticeships by 2020.
What we do
The centre of the neaco approach is the Take Your Place programme of activities. In Norfolk this is delivered to students by Higher Education Champions from UEA and Norwich University of the Arts who are based around schools and colleges across the county. The programme ultimately aims to increase progression to higher education by building knowledge of progression routes, raising aspirations and supporting students with their individual needs. We also work with parents and carers to raise awareness of higher education and how they can support their young people.
As a team UEA Outreach and neaco like to work as one, but our funding is different. What does that mean? If your sixth form or college has an Outreach Officer and a Higher Education Champion, then you can access loads of activities. It's that simple.