Our talks will prepare your students and demystify the university experience. All of our sessions are flexible depending on the requirements of your school or college.
Our team works with selected schools and colleges around the country, and we are happy to give talks online or in-person.
For students
Why do people go to university?
Making the most of sixth form or college
Applying to university: the UCAS journey
Writing a successful personal statement
Making the most of HE fairs, open days and summer holidays
Which higher education course is right for me?
Why UEA?
Study abroad and placement opportunities
What's it like to be a student at university?
Starting and succeeding at university
How does student finance work?
For parents and carers
Supporting your student on their journey to university
For teachers, tutors and advisers
View our Talks and Tasters leaflet for descriptions of the talks above. The team are also happy to offer interactive workshops, combine talks or cover another topic of your choice if you can't see quite what you're looking for - email schools@uea.ac.uk to discuss your requirements.
Contact us
If you’re unsure which opportunities suit you or your students best, please get in touch. We’ll help identify the best content, timing and delivery method for your situation. Email schools@uea.ac.uk