The Urban Modelling Group works on a range of projects both nationally and internationally. See below for an overview of some of the projects worked on, from urban planning to
virtual tourism:
Planning and Architectural Visualisation: Focal Point Petrol Station
Focal Point commissioned UMG to generate a model which would depict the ease with which their client’s petrol station could be erected. This shows how UMG can depict vehicles and other features moving through the virtual environment.
Planning and Architectural Visualisation: Dukes Wharf
Working with local investors Target Follow, and architects Fielden and Mawson the Urban Modelling Group produced 3-D visualisations of a proposed new development in Norwich City Centre.
The Dukes Wharf Development is situated in a historic area of Norwich city centre and the models produced by UMG enabled the planned buildings to be visualised in context of the current built environment.
The proposed development includes a mix of housing, offices and restaurants which together would provide a vibrant environment for the local community. The models produced by UMG convey this by drawing on the group’s skill in depicting individual people and crowds.
Visual Impact Verification: Anglia Square
New developments with in established cities can have a strong effect on the city sky line which is sometimes difficult to predict from the plans. For a proposed development of Anglia Square in Norwich the Urban Modelling Group generated photographs from different perspectives with a block outline of the proposed building. This enabled planners to visualise the impact of the new development on the sky-line.
Tourism & Heritage: Dublin
Dublin is a vibrant city with a diverse architectural heritage. The Urban Modelling group generated a large scale model of Dublin which allows proposed new developments to be placed in context. These models can also be used as a resource for the tourism industry allowing potential visitors to explore the virtual city before they arrive.
3D Modelling Team
Our specialist modellers use unique modelling techniques including bespoke software which semi-automatically models building to develop images and animations for use within all popular software formats.
Range of skills
From line drawings through to photorealistic images and animations, illustrative details can be easily modified from changing hard landscaping and building materials to inserting new buildings and varying street design.
Send us your project
Send us an outline of your project and we will be happy to provide guidance upon how virtual models can be used to enhance your project together with time and pricing estimates.
Get in touch
You can contact us via email at enquiries@urbanmodellinggroup.co.uk.
Alternatively, you can call us at +44 (0)1603 591163