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Workforce Intelligence Network (WIN)
About Our Work
Working in collaboration with Professor Alison Leary, at London South Bank University (LSBU), as academic collaboration partner with data modelling expertise. We are also recruiting a Research Associate and LSBU have secured a PhD Scholarship associated with this work.
Aim: To utilise health and social care workforce data to inform workforce design, redesign, and planning across the ICS and in a variety of different workforces.
Work Packages:
Undertake soft systems modelling to understand the “work as done” and demand for different types of labour.
Examine/mine a wide array of routinely collected data for insight as determined by workstream one. This is likely to include not only workforce data but also activity, incident, performance, and population-based data.
Focus on supporting the implementation of the generated intelligence and horizon scanning.
The approach will be determined by the first and second workstreams to tailor this to local needs and the possibility of application to wider workforce policy in England.
Benefits of this work:
Informing workforce strategy to meet the needs of the local population
Combining health and social care sector workforce data to provide integrated analysis of workforce profiles, and future demands
Providing the ICS with a robust evidence base from which to prepare workforce planning
Exploring the future workforce profiles, suitable for achieving contemporary health and care workforce plans
Project Lead: Professor Alison Leary
Project Team: Professor Sally Hardy, Dr Jose Pereira, Johnny Yuen, Idris Phillips-Fry