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The NICHE Integrated Learning Hub
Enabling people to grow and flourish. Living and working well in Norfolk and Waveney
Learning and working together in collaboration can achieve a thriving community that is an attractive place to work, live and age well - together. Wellbeing is crucial for long-term benefits to population health, and without a highly skilled and effective workforce we cannot meet the needs of our communities through providing effective health and care.
To enable people who live and work in Norfolk and Waveney, to grow and develop together, to further ensure quality of services and community initiatives that promote kind and caring environments, that remain person centred, safe, highly effective, and informed by the best evidence, influenced by the needs of the communities and populations they serve.
Please see below examples of programmes that have been commissioned, delivered and evaluated in the past from NICHE. Please contact us to discuss any learning needs you may have as a service or an organisation:
Programmes of Work Achieved
- Academic Year 2022-2023
NSFT/NICHE Leading and Facilitating the Development of Person Centred Cultures and Care
This five-day residential programme was commissioned jointly between the former Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Norfolk and Suffolk Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT). Delivered in June 2023, it focused on the core themes of: Person-centred practice, Person-centred cultures of care, Collective Leadership and self-compassion. Twenty-five participants from across a variety of clinical services at NSFT took part in the residential programme. Key emergent themes were: An appetite by participants to seek opportunities to learn, Opportunities to share, learn and network with each other, and Making new and renewed connections from across the Trust leading to ‘commitments to act’. In addition, there was a renewed commitment to create cultures of practice that supported and nurtured person-centred ways of working. Personal transformation throughout the week enabled participants to reconnect and recommit to a collective approach to embracing opportunities for improving workplace culture across NSFT.
Planting the Seeds for Change:
A Participatory Service Evaluation of the "Leading and Facilitating the Development of Person- Centred Care and Cultures" Programme.
Read the full Planting Seeds For Change report
Read the full NSFT/NICHE residential programme evaluation report
Teaching and Learning Care Homes (TLCH)
Commissioned by the former Norfolk and Waveney CCG this programme was delivered and evaluated jointly with the Foundation of Nursing Studies (FoNS) and was delivered over 18 months. The core purpose of the TLCH programme was a ‘Good Care Experience’ enabled by three foci: (i) Creating education and learning for staff and students (ii) Enabling practice development and research from practice; and (iii) Facilitating community engagement. Enhancing these interrelated themes are: Working collaboratively across Sectors/ Systems and acting as a resource across the Social Care Sector. The participating Care Homes also identified that the TLCH provided an opportunity to learn and work together. The programme helped to build new relationships in which learning from each other was an underpinning enabler to support development along with the opportunities for informal support and the potential for sustainable cultural transformation over time.
Read the full TLCH evaluation report
VITAL Programme
Commissioned originally by the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn (QEHKL) in early 2022 and subsequently by NSFT this programme aims to enhance effective clinical practices & leading workplace effectiveness, through exploring and co-designing course content around workforce priorities such as Vision & Values, Innovation & Inclusion, Team working, Approaches & Accountability, and Leadership. NSFT are planning further cohorts commencing in Feb 2024.
N&W Guiding Lights for Effective Workplace Cultures
Commissioned by the former Norfolk and Waveney CCG this programme commenced in September 2023. Delivered jointly with the Foundation of Nursing Studies (FoNS) it built on work from the previously delivered and evaluated national programme for community nurses and interdisciplinary teams commissioned by NHS England. The programme focuses on applying the four ‘Guiding Lights for Effective Workplace Cultures’ (Cardiff et al, 2022*) to the setting where care is delivered and/or experienced. The programme is for team leaders working within N&W ICS and is due to be completed in March 2024.
Read the full evaluation report
Leading Outstanding Services
One of six workshops for embedding a culture of continuous improvement has been codeveloped with care home partners and NoRCA. The workshop comes with an associated resource pack and will be delivered in early 2024.