This series of public lectures forms one strand of the Joyce Morris Early Years Literacies Forum (JMEYLF). This is a forum aiming to provide spaces to promote early years research, engaging and collaborating with a range of stakeholders in early years literacies.
The audience for this series of lectures is invited from the full breadth of the EYFS community; practitioners, researchers, academics, local authority and trust advisors, subject matter experts, school/setting leadership and anyone connected or interested in this work.
We are coordinating speakers who can share both a strong understanding of the research in their chosen area of early years literacies, but also the practical implications of this for the different roles our audience members hold.
As part of our effort to connect people from within the early years and other related communities, we are also engaging partners to help secure strong speakers and to promote these events more widely.
Each lecture will be hosted at UEA but also live streamed and recorded so that it can be accessed more widely both on the night and at later stages.
The lectures are planned in collaboration with the Joyce Morris Early Years Literacies Research Project Teams, who will also host the question and answer section of the evening.