We gave an elevator presentation at the 999 EMS Research Forum 2023. Our abstract, 'EP12 Co-producing an ambulance trust national fatigue risk management system for improved staff and patient safety (CATNAPS): co-design and key informant interview findings' has been published online.
Uncomfortable conversations: Managing Ambulance Fatigue (website, recording, and slides): We took part in a joint session with AACE and the College of Paramedics to increase awareness of sleep health and fatigue, including how it impacts staff and patient experiences, and what might be done differently.
We took part in a HSIB talk, “The impact of staff fatigue on patient safety” – please click the link and scroll to the 1 hour 36 minutes mark to watch our talk.
Jeremy Dearling, Patient and Public Co-Investigator on CATNAPS, has designed and hosted podcasts with members of the CATNAPS team. Please click on the link below to listen to our first podcast:
Episode 1: Prof Kristy Sanderson, Chief Investigator.
Episode 2: Jonathan Rogers, Co-Investigator, Staff lived experience (PPI).
Episode 3: Dr Lucy Clark, Co-Investigator, UEA.