If you are interested in postgraduate or postdoctoral research within the Environmental Biology Sector, please contact the member of academic staff whose research most matches your interests to discuss opportunities. We are always looking for highly motivated young scientists to join our research groups.
If you are interested in research opportunities and you cannot find a suitable Environmental Biology PhD position or research position to apply for then please contact us to discuss. If you are a self-funded PhD student or you are considering research fellowship applications then do get in touch with us. We offer substantial help in mentoring prospective candidates and helping them prepare fellowship applications.
If you are interested in applying for Independent Research Fellowships within the Environmental Biology Sector, we can help you identify appropriate funding schemes, arrange visits to discuss your potential research projects with our academics, assist you in preparation and provide feedback on your application, and provide support and mentoring during your fellowship if subsequently awarded. For further information on fellowships, please contact j.c.murrell@uea.ac.uk.