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Reader in Mechanical Engineering
School of Engineering, University of East Anglia
Norwich Research Park, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK
Administrative duties:
Safety Committee (Chair, Health and Safety Officer, 2019-20)
PGT Engineering Admissions Director (2019-20)
School Placements Director (2019-20)
Promotions Committee (2019-20)
ENG Research Seminar Organizer (2018-20)
ENG Research Lead/Coordinator/Director (2018-)
ENG Staff Student Liaison Committee (Chair, Student Partnership Officer, 2017-19)
Safety Committee (2018-19)
IMechE Coordinator (2017-18)
Room: Science 2.34A [UEA map (click); building no. 5, Level 2, Grid Ref. J22]
Tel: 01603 59 2582 (international: +44 1603 59 2582)
UK Mobile: 07979 721 772 (international: +44 7979 721 772)
Mobile (Hong Kong): 6200-8472
WhatsApp: (+852) 6200-8472
Email: k.hui@uea.ac.uk
Editorial activities
Topic Editor in “Bifunctional Catalysts for Rechargeable Metal-Air Batteries and Fuel Cells”, Frontiers in Materials, 2021.
Topic Editor in “Electrolytes for Non-Lithium Based Rechargeable Batteries and Ionic Capacitors”, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2019.
Guest Editor in Special Issue "Recent Advance in Porous Materials in Catalysis" MDPI, Switzerland, 2020.
Associated Editor in Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology Open Access, Medwin Publishers, 2019.
Research facilities
Norwich Research Park is a partnership between the University of East Anglia, the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, four independent research institutes namely the John Innes Centre, Quadram Institute and the Earlham Institute (all strategically funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)) and The Sainsbury Laboratory linked to the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. The BBSRC and the John Innes Foundation are also partners.
Potential research areas
Metal-air battery, Al-ion battery, graphene synthesis, air treatment (VOCs, NOx), desalination, heat and mass transport in electrodes, battery thermal management, density functional theory (DFT) calculations, etc