The UEA Digital Humanities Incubator - UEADHi - is a new direction in the university's long established investigations in the Humanities, and is underpinned by research across the Faculty.
The UEADHi seeks to build an academic and shared public understanding of the interaction, mediation, and interpretation of heritage, society and the arts in the digital age.
As a research network, the UEADHi aims to augment and strengthen Digital Humanities research provision in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, while enhancing capacity for collaboration across the University, and with external partners including East Anglian heritage institutions, the local technology sector, the AURORA Network, CHASE and the Eastern ARC.
The network’s strategic objectives are:
To develop a coherent identity built on our key strengths in Digital Humanities;
To create an environment that promotes research impact, leading to enhanced collaboration, external grant capture, REF outputs, and postgraduate recruitment;
To form a clear point of contact for UEA’s Digital Humanities presence and role within the Eastern ARC, CHASE and AURORA networks.
To learn more about the UEADHi and its activities, explore the pages for research, partners, archives and heritage and BLOC media .
You can contact us via email: digital.humanities@uea.ac.uk
And follow us on social media