Infra-red cells that are capable of studying reactions with a time resolution of 100 ms, a solution of less than 1 mL, and films of only a few micrometres. This development offers researchers much greater detail than other current methods of analysis.
fits Pike MIracle ATR systems
used with air-sensitive metal complexes
very good time resolution (100 ms)
solutions of less than 1 mL
films of only a few micrometres.
Probing the reactivity of metal complexes can be difficult. This unique cell design allows for infra-red (IR) data to be collected at very short times and has been used to probe the reactivity of iron-sulphur clusters and molybdenum complexes, with the possibility to be used on many different complexes.
It is possible to monitor these air-sensitive complexes due to the innovative design of these cells that can be attached to the Pike MIracle ATR system, with other systems also under development and available upon request. The cells are composed of a PEEK cell unit and electrode fittings, with a stainless steel mounting, giving the system mechanical rigidity, the possibility to measure films of only a few micrometres, and can be connected to a line of inert gas.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133, 18606-18609, doi:10.1021/ja2087536
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53, 10143-10146, doi:10.1002/anie.201406210
Principal Investigator
Team led by Dr Joseph Wright
Further Details
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