Our Royal Charter Statues and Ordinances require the University to have:
more...Our governing body.
Council is the executive governing body of the University and shall act in a way that promotes the University’s interests. Council’s functions and powers are set out in the Statutes.
more...Our senior academic body.
There shall be a Senate of the University which shall have the composition, powers and functions conferred on it in the Ordinances and which shall have, subject to any requirements of the Council, delegated authority from the Council for:
• the oversight of the academic performance of the University (including responsibility for the assurance of academic standards) and;
• the regulation and supervision of the education and discipline of students.
more...There shall be a Court of the University which is representative of business, public bodies and other stakeholders in the University which shall meet annually and have the composition and functions prescribed in the Ordinances. The University's Ordinances for 2022/23 can be downloaded as a PDF file.
more...There shall be an Assembly of the University consisting of all those persons who hold a contract of employment with the University. The functions and operation of the Assembly will be prescribed in the Ordinances. It is Chaired by the Vice-Chancellor (or nominee). It is a Statutory body of the University and may discuss opinions on any matter relating to the University and submit resolutions to the relevant Statutory Bodies.