The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) aim to promote transparency and accountability in the public sector.
The University, as a public body, is obliged to comply with the Act and Regulations. This means people have the right to request any information held by the University. The University is committed to helping public understanding of our structure and activities, by routine publication of all relevant information. If our published records do not include the information people need, we will make every effort to provide information on request, where practical and allowed.
The University has two main obligations under FOIA:
1) to maintain a Publication Scheme, which lists the types of information we make routinely available
2) to ensure that anyone making a request is informed, in writing, whether or not we hold the information they've asked for, and if we do, to receive our response within the specified time limit of 20 working days.
The University handles all FOIA and EIR requests in accordance with our to Freedom of Information Act Policy, which mirrors the requirements of the Code of Practice issued under Section 45 of the Act. More information on how we use information to process a request can be found in our FOIA Privacy Notice and EIR Privacy Notice.
To find out more about FOIA or EIR at UEA, email foi@uea.ac.uk.