Plagiarism and Collusion Policy - 2024/25
University Policy on Plagiarism and Collusion 2024-2025 can be viewed as a PDF
The University of East Anglia expects that all its members, both staff and students, adhere to the principles of academic integrity, which have been defined by the International Center for Academic Integrity as a commitment to the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage.1 Academic integrity requires people to use, generate, and communicate in an ethical, honest and accountable manner.
This policy covers those forms of academic deception referred to as “plagiarism” and “collusion” including “contract cheating”. These forms of academic deception are breaches of the concept of academic integrity and breach Regulation 18 of the General Regulations for Students. We will explain what these concepts are, and how we deal with them, below.
*1 T. Fishman (ed.) The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity (2nd edn, Clemson University).
A. Definitions and why we have this policy
B. Avoiding plagiarism, collusion, and contract cheating
C. Investigating suspected cases
D. The investigative meeting and afterwards
E. Classification grid and penalties
Section A - Definitions and why we have this Policy
Section B - Avoiding Plagiarism, Collusion and Contract Cheating
Section C - Investigating Suspected Cases
Section D - The Investigative Meeting and afterwards