Rules for the Submission of Theses for Research Degrees - 2023/24
These rules should be read together with the detailed instructions provided in the document 'Research Degrees Policy Document 3: Submission, Presentation, Consultation and Borrowing of Thesis' available on the 'Regulations' page of the PGR Service My UEA pages.
1. A candidate must submit:
(1) a copy of an abstract of the thesis, not exceeding 300 words, in a form suitable for publication. If the candidate is awarded the degree, the University may publish this abstract in any manner approved by the Senate or by the Head of the School concerned.
(2) a statement showing what part, if any, of the material offered has previously been submitted by the candidate for a degree in this or any other University and, if joint work is submitted, what part of it is the candidate's independent contribution.
(3) a statement of the length of the thesis or of the length of the critical analysis where such an analysis is required. Word counts include footnotes, endnotes, the abstract and the bibliography, but exclude: the title page; copyright statement; acknowledgements; table of contents; list of illustrations; tables, figures or images and their legends; glossary of terms; and appendices.
(4) confirmation from the primary supervisor that any required taught courses have been satisfactorily completed.
In the case of the degree of PhD by Publication
(5) The submission must include a list of the publications on which the assessment for the degree is to be based, a critical analysis of the work submitted and, where multi-authored works are included in the list, written evidence of the candidate’s own original contribution to the work in respect of:
(a) design of the investigation
(b) conduct of the research
(c) analysis of the outcome
(d) preparation of the work for publication.
Copies of all the published work to be assessed must also be included, either incorporated with the above or separately contained.
2. Submission of the Thesis
(1) Any thesis must be written in English and presented in the required form.
(2) Only electronic thesis submissions will be accepted from candidates. Candidates do not need to submit either a soft-bound or a hard-bound copy of their thesis.
(3) A candidate shall initially submit a thesis electronically in a format that can be easily printed if necessary. If the thesis is accompanied by supplementary material, such as datasets, visual or audio material, this should be submitted at the same time as the electronic version of the thesis. Where the form of the submission makes it difficult to submit in purely digital format, for example, where there are multiple objects that cannot be digitised, advice should be sought from the Head of Academic Liaison, Library.
(4) If a candidate is successful a copy of the thesis shall be deposited in the University Library and shall be allowed to leave it only on conditions approved by the Senate. Candidates should submit the final version of their thesis, as approved by their Examiners, in electronic format in portable document format (pdf). Where redaction of material from the thesis has been approved by the University a copy of the redacted version of the thesis must also be submitted.
(5) The title page of the thesis shall bear the name of the candidate, the title of the thesis, the name of the degree for which the thesis is submitted and the date of submission.
The title page shall also include the following words: “This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with the author and that use of any information derived there-from must be in accordance with current UK Copyright Law. In addition, any quotation or extract must include full attribution.”
(6) A candidate may with the permission of the Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor UEA Doctoral College submit recorded material, such as audiotape, videotape and film, of not more than one hour's running length as supporting evidence. This must be in addition to a written thesis and not a substitute for any part of it. The examiners may require candidates to deposit copies of the recorded material with the thesis in the Library and in the appropriate School. Work submitted should be in a durable form suited to preservation over long periods. The item should be provided with an appropriate container approved by the Head of Academic Liaison, Library and bearing on its exterior the particulars listed in (5) above.
In the case of the Professional Practice programme in the School of Art, Media and American Studies
(7) A substantial part of the thesis may be curatorial, archival, educational or creative in content. This will be represented in the thesis submission by a substantial dossier of practical work presented in an appropriate, accessible and enduring format.
For all candidates
(8) No Pass List will be issued after successful assessment until the thesis has been resubmitted in the form outlined in rules (1) to (5) above and the candidate has confirmed that no changes, other than any required by the examiners, have been made to any part of the thesis from that previously assessed. The Pass List will not be issued until the electronic version of the thesis has been deposited with the University.
(9) All submitted research degree theses must be prepared in accordance with the instructions set out in the 'Research Degrees Policy Document 3: Submission, Presentation, Consultation and Borrowing of Theses on the 'Regulations' page of the PGR Service My UEA pages.