Senate Student Discipline Committee
Committee Membership: Committee Chair, 4-5 members per Faculty plus four Panel Chairs plus a student member nominated by the Union of UEA Students.
Note: Whilst formally constituted as a Committee the work of the Committee is undertaken by SSDC panels. The SSDC Chair plus four other named, and trained, members are able to chair SSDC panels which sit in a particular mode determined by the nature of the alleged offence. The mode of the panel hearing determines the number of members sitting on the panel and whether a student member or external member is required. External members are required for hearings concerned with professionalism and are drawn from the relevant profession. The Chair has the right to co-opt members.
*Members of the SSDC and SSDAC, who may chair a Senate Student Discipline Panel:
Senate Student Discipline Committee:
*Professor A Ganesan, CPP (2027)
Deputy Chair
*Dr Piers Fleming, PSY (2027)
Senate Student Discipline Appeals Committee:
To be filled by the current pool of panel chairs when required
SSDC & SSDAC Panel Members:
*Dr Emma Long, PPA (2027)
*Dr Mark Hobbs, IIH (2029)
*Dr Jo Poppleton, LDC (2029)
Dr Mark Thompson, HIS (2025)
Dr Filipa Antunes, IIH (2027)
Dr Joel Halcomb, HIS (2027)
*Dr Gillian Price, MED (2027)
*Ms Karan Botsford, HSC (2027)
Ms Charmaine Chandler, HSC (2025)
Mr Simon Rose, HSC (2025)
Dr Paul Fisher, MED (2026)
Dr Peter Beazley, MED (2026)
Sarah Drake, HSC (2026)
Dr Stephanie Jong, HSC (2027)
Dr Lucy Fitton, MED (2027)
*Professor A Ganesan, CPP (2027)
Dr Simon Butler, BIO (2027)
Professor Neil Ward, ENV (2025)
Dr Leoni Palmer, CPP (2025)
Dr Paul Hammerton, EMP (2026)
Dr Andy Round, CPP (2027)
Raheel Hassan, CMP (2027)
*Dr Piers Fleming, PSY (2027)
*Dr Victoria Scaife, PSY (2027)
*Dr Tola Amodu, LAW (2028)
Dr David Savage, EDU (2025)
Dr Kim Bartholomew, EDU (2026)
Dr Philip Long, EDU (2026)
Dr Octavian Ionescu, NBS (2027)
Dr Scott Summers, NBS (2027)
SSDC Secretary:
Christina Chan
SSDAC Secretary:
Jon Sharp
Student Panel Members:
Three student members