Committee Secretary – Rachel Hoxley-Carr
The Vice-Chancellor
*Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation
*Pro Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
*The Director of the Sainsbury Centre
(Those indicated by a * indicates those ex-officio members who currently exercise their right to attend)
Chair - Dominic Christian
One member appointed by the External Trustees of the Endowment Funds - Mr Simon Blakey
One member appointed by The Gatsby Charitable Foundation - Mr Peter Hesketh
One member appointed by the Senate - Claire Jowitt
One member appointed by the Council - To be confirmed
Up to six members co-opted by the Board
Secretary: Rachel Hoxley-Carr
Terms of Reference
1. To manage the galleries and to conserve and display the Sainsbury Collection consistently with the terms of the Deed of Gift from Sir Robert and Lady
Sainsbury and the conditions of the Endowment Funds, all remaining terms of reference being subordinate to this objective.
2. To approve annual budgets for the Sainsbury Centre (ensuring, unless agreed otherwise by the Vice-Chancellor, that the income expected to be generated
in the year will meet the expenditure); to monitor income and expenditure; and to submit reports to external funders as required, including an annual report
to the Trustees of the SCVA Endowment Funds after each financial year showing how the income received from the endowment has been used
3. To be responsible for: the security and well-being of University’s art collections housed in the Centre and elsewhere; the hours of opening of the Centre; and
the conditions of access to the collection for members of the University and the general public.
4. To have strategic responsibility for special exhibitions and special events in the Centre.
5. To determine the use and allocation of such accommodation in the Centre as falls within the remit of the Board.
6. To maintain appropriate standards for the protection of the visual environment of all areas of the Centre, having regard to the design concept of the Building.
7. To have regard to the interests of all users of Sainsbury Centre building.
8. To be responsible for the loan for exhibition elsewhere of works under its governance, subject to the rights reserved to other parties to approve such loans.
9. To establish and be responsible for the implementation of a policy covering the acquisition and de-accessioning of works under its governance; any sale or disposal to be subject to the agreement of the Vice-Chancellor.
10. To be responsible for the production and sale of catalogues, slides, photographs, reproductions and the like and for other activities in keeping with the spirit and purposes of the Centre from which a profit is intended; the profit to be allocated to the income of the Board.
11. To submit an annual report to Council.
12. To meet at least three times a year.