Head of Research Services, Julia Sheldrake - email:
Interim Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation - Professor Brian Reid (Chair)
Associate Deans for Research - Professor Maria O'Connell (SCI), Dr Maren Duvendack (SSF), Professor Colin Cooper (FMH), Professor Claire Jowitt (HUM
Director of Research and Innovation Services - Mrs Helen Lewis
Head of Research Services - Mrs Julia Sheldrake
Other representatives from the University or partner organizations on a regular or ad-hoc basis as appropriate.
Terms of Reference
To develop, regularly review, and communicate University-wide strategy and policies to support the delivery of high quality research and to identify and allocate the resources needed for the selective support of research.
To support the implementation of research strategy within Faculties and Schools and share best practice.
To foster and promote the visibility of research across the University and with key external partners and audiences.
To collate and publish information on research activity and review research performance to continuously improve the research environment, activities and policies across the University:
to monitor and review the performance of interdisciplinary themes and Research Centres.
to monitor and influence the expenditure of research capital and infrastructure.
to monitor and review research grants and contracts performance, including promoting and encouraging research grants and contracts from a range of funding bodies. To oversee strategic institutional grant applications.
to advise on UEA’s framework for research integrity across all disciplines, liaising with University Research Ethics Committee in conjunction with relevant Pro-Vice-Chancellors of Faculties and Heads of School on implementation of the framework and providing recommendations and reports to the Senate and Council on matters of policy.
To manage the University’s REF return and optimise institutional performance in conjunction with Pro-Vice-Chancellors of Faculties and Heads of School.
To receive updates on Postgraduate Research (PGR) activity and strategic matters related to graduate awards, with appropriate reference to the Doctoral College Executive.
To liaise and involve Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience and Education) and Provost for any matters of mutual concern.
To consider strategic matters related to impact arising from the University’s research with appropriate reference to the Innovation Executive.
To contribute to the formulation and enactment of the University’s international strategy.
To keep under review the external influences on the development of research and respond to sector-wide consultations as appropriate (eg from the UK Government, key funding bodies etc)
Frequency of Meetings
The Executive will meet at least five times a year.
Method of Operation
An executive body as opposed to a formal University committee, each member representing their constituency. The Chair is empowered to reach decisions
while taking full account of all representations by members. Recommendations are made to the Senate and Council through the Chair and an annual research
report and annual research integrity report are submitted to the Senate.