Achieving Bronze Athena SWAN Award (2015)
Examples of the work and activity that we are involved with across the School, have included:
Code First: Girls was launched in 2018, with 135 applicants for the 40 places, interactively covering the basics of HTML and web development.
Big Sister, Little Sister was launched in 2017. This is a student-run network to connect new connect new female students with 2nd/3rd year and postgraduate female students for academic and social support, advice and information, encouragement and insight.
Collating staff and student feedback on equality and diversity matters via surveys for action and discussion
Reviewing student recruitment, adding an equality and diversity slide to Open Day and Applicant Day presentations and analysing student guide numbers by gender
Adding positive action wording and family-friendly and flexible working information to job vacancies
Implementing unconscious bias training and guidance for staff involved in recruitment
Increasing the profile of female role models through our women in computing science poster campaigns
Sponsor of the DevelopHer Awards and involvement in judging for the awards
Outreach in local schools and hosting interactive events in the department to promote studying computing, statistics, business information systems and actuarial science:
Computing Challenge for Girls: we visit Schools to spend a day with female Year 8 students to introduce them to computer programming
Scratch-Off: annual event held at UEA since 2012 for 7-14 year olds to compete in pairs on programming challenges
Women of the Future Event: an annual event held for Year 10 girls on the Norwich Research Park, our Postgraduate Researchers and Research staff attend to speak to the students about their research
Sharing best practice at the Faculty Athena SWAN Steering Group and Central Athena SWAN Operational Group meetings
Scheduling School meetings within core hours (10am–4pm) wherever possible
Launching the new Science wide induction programme for staff in the School of Computing Sciences
Promoting and raising awareness of the Science Return to Work Career Development Fund
Supporting students with information and guidance about progression to postgraduate study