In the IAPT programme, evidence based Low Intensity CBT is delivered by trained practitioners called Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWP). This new workforce was created by the IAPT programme to implement support for NICE approved interventions such as guided CBT self help and low intensity CBT interventions. Qualified psychological wellbeing practitioners provide high volume, low intensity CBT-based interventions at Step 2, including guided self help. People from a wide range of backgrounds reflecting the local community, with a special interest in psychological therapies, relevant care experience and who are able to meet the academic levels of the course are eligible to train as a PWP. Training should be available at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels of entry to meet the needs of the workforce.
UEA offers both levels of entry and also an online access course for people who wish to train as PWPs who do not hold a degree to help them to meet the academic entry requirements of the training. UEA access and PWP training information, key resources along with national IAPT information is available below.
IAPT Low Intensity Training and Resources