By: Communications
One in four older people are dehydrated, many without realising, leaving them vulnerable to strokes, infections and falls.
The partners have produced a video and information booklet on hydration for the public, focusing on the fact that all adults should be drinking three-and-a-half pints of fluid every day (unless advised otherwise by their doctor).
UEA Hydrate Group and Age UK Norwich have also produced training materials for health and social care professionals and health coaches, helping them work effectively with older people, encouraging them to drink well and maintain good hydration. Drinking, such a simple thing for most younger people, can often be overlooked as we get older.
Dr Lee Hooper, from UEA’s Norwich Medical School, said: “When you’re older you can be dehydrated, but not feel thirsty at all, so you can’t rely on thirst to guide how much you drink. Drinking at least three-and-a-half pints every day is right for most people. It doesn’t just have to be water – tea, coffee, juice, soup, milk and fizzy drinks all count.
“Find something you like and make sure you’re drinking plenty throughout the day. It could make a big difference to how you feel and help you stay healthy in later life.”
The UEA Hydrate Group, led by Dr Hooper and Dr Diane Bunn, have been carrying out important research on drinking and hydration in older adults for some years.
Their research highlights how important it is for our health to drink well, and focuses on how to help older adults achieve hydration.
Earlier this year, researchers at UEA launched a campaign on dehydration, sending posters to GP surgeries and care homes raising awareness that one in four older people are dehydrated. More information on that project can be found here:
Dr Bunn, from UEA’s School of Health Sciences, said: “Older people drink less for a variety of reasons. As well as not feeling thirsty we may have fewer social occasions when we drink with others, may forget to drink or may worry about getting to the toilet.
“Finding drinks we enjoy, drinking with others and ensuring that getting to the toilet is planned in can all help. Our new materials are filled with ideas and information to help older people tackle these issues. Please do try them out.”
Dan Skipper, CEO at Age UK Norwich, said: “Lots of people have no idea they need to drink more, or how serious dehydration can be. It can lead to dizziness and confusion, headaches and even strokes and falls, so it’s vital we get people thinking about their fluid intake and drinking more if necessary.
“Watching our short video gives advice on avoiding serious health problems. If you’re not online, you can just give us a call and we’ll send you some information. You might not usually think about hydration and how much you drink, but now’s the time to start – it will reduce health risks and could even save your life!”
Mr Skipper added: “This is a great opportunity to prevent people getting unwell or being hospitalised due to dehydration – without the need for drugs, treatment or expensive health or care services. As a country, we need to get better at prevention, which is why we have produced this programme.”
The video and information resources were developed by working with Age UK Norwich Health Coaches and older people themselves. They are available online at Those who aren’t online can call Age UK Norwich on 01603 496333 for information and advice.
To find out more about Health Coaching for older people, or any other Age UK Norwich services, visit, call 01603 496 333 or email
The rise in human life expectancy has slowed down across Europe since 2011, according to research from UEA and partners.
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