Will you help us revolutionise prostate cancer diagnosis?
We all know that prostate cancer devastates lives. Every year, it kills 11,000 men in the UK and far more around the world. Those who live with prostate cancer often face invasive and damaging treatments, with side-effects including incontinence and impotence. But, for many of them, the treatment is completely unnecessary.
Because, surprisingly, most cases of prostate cancer are harmless.
Currently, men with raised PSA levels or those on active surveillance require regular invasive biopsies, yet there is no way for doctors to distinguish between aggressive, life-threatening ‘tiger’ cancers, and harmless cancers.
The result? Clinicians have to treat everyone. And, in the UK, that means putting approximately 17 men through devastating treatment they don’t need, for every one man whose life is actually at risk.
The UEA Prostate Cancer Tests
In a world first, UEA researchers, led by world-leading cancer geneticist Professor Colin Cooper, have unravelled the genetic information behind prostate cancer using complex maths and artificial intelligence. And after more than a decade of work, have developed two new tests for prostate cancer that could transform the lives of men around the world.
The Prostate Urine Risk (PUR) test uses urine samples to detect aggressive prostate cancers years before treatment is needed. It is non-invasive and can be carried out at home, reducing the need for regular biopsies.
The Tiger Test is a revolutionary new clinical test that can reliably distinguish aggressive prostate cancers from harmless ones. That means more men getting the treatment they need. And thousands spared from suffering needless side-effects.
The next goal for our tests is to achieve accreditation: official confirmation that they are reliable and accurate. We are currently preparing to submit for accreditation and all donations will help us get closer to this goal.
Check out Prof Colin Cooper's interview with Sky Sports, where he delves into the discoveries made within his lab and the impact of the Bob Willis Fund's support to the research:
How You Can Help
Please donate now to help the UEA Prostate Cancer Tests begin saving lives. With your support, we can fund the clinical trials needed to have the tests adopted by the NHS and hospitals around the world.
If you’d like to find out more, or make a larger gift, contact the Development Office at giving@uea.ac.uk.
The Pioneer Podcast Prostate Cancer Special
This special three-part podcast series takes an in-depth look at the science, the process and, most importantly, the team behind this revolutionary work.
Want to find out more before you dive in? Martin Tyler introduces the series in this short video.