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01603 592533 (UK), +44
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591327 (International)
Dr S.R. Dorling, Senior
Lecturer, School of
Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk,
NR4-7TJ, United Kingdom
Current research interests/activities:
Main Supervisor of the Following Postgraduate Research Students
Students who have completed their PhD under my supervision:
Other Recent Research Projects:
"Particulate Air Pollution - Measurement, Source Apportionment and Policy" - October 2004 to September 2006 - Funded by the Leverhulme Trust
(2003) Development and Application of an Aggregation Scheme for Modelling Annual Deposition Totals - Funded under the Joint Environment Programme of the Major UK Electricity Generation Companies.
(2000-2003) Climate Change and Human Health: The Confounding Air Quality Factor - Funded under the MRC-NERC Environment and Health Programme
(2000-2003) Neural Network Modelling for Improved Air Quality Prediction - Funded by the Leverhulme Trust
(2000-2002) Air Pollution Episodes: Modelling Tools for Improved Smog Management (APPETISE) - Funded under The European Union Framework V IST Programme
(2000-2002) The investigation of an optimised early warning system for Ozone and PM10 in the Kent-Nord Pas de Calais region - Funded under the European Union INTERREG Programme
(1997-2000) Monitoring and Modelling Air Quality in Norwich - PhD work by Tim Chatterton, funded by the Natural Environment Research Council and Norwich City Council
(1997-1999) 'Weather Typing' using Neural Networks - Collaboration with Gavin Cawley, School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia. Originally supported by a UEA Research Innovation Grant and now funded under the European Union Framework IV Environment and Climate Programme (ACCORD)
Meteorology and Air/Precipitation Chemistry in Southern Ireland - Work commissioned by the Electricity Supply Board, Dublin
The Carbon Dioxide Emissions associated with the construction of a Nuclear Power Station - Work Commissioned by the Power Trust
Meteorological influences on particulate transport across Europe - A Rural and Urban PM10 comparison exercise - In collaboration with IMC Consulting Ltd and the Earth Resources Centre at Exeter University funded by the Department of Trade & Industry under the Energy & Environment Programme.Download the Report
The Transport of Desert Dust from Africa to the Western North Atlantic - How does Atmospheric Circulation Control Dust Fluxes to sediment traps in the Sargasso Sea ? In Collaboration with Professor Tim Jickells, ENV, UEA
Using Artificial Intelligence to understand how Meteorology affects Air Quality - PhD work by Matt Gardner, Funded by the School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia
Climate Change and Air Pollution in Europe - PhD work by Dr Julie Jones, funded by the Natural Environment Research Council.
Davies, T.D., Barthelmie, R.J., Varley, M., Dorling, S.R., Farmer,
G. &
Schaug, J. (1990) European Precipitation Chemistry Atlas, Volume 2.
EMEP/CCC Report 6/90.
Davies, T.D., Dorling, S.R., Pierce, C.E., Barthelmie, R.J. &
Farmer, G.
(1991) The Meteorological Control on the Anthropogenic Ion Content of
Precipitation at Three Sites in the UK: The Utility of Lamb Weather Types.
International Journal of Climatology 11, 795-807.
Davies, T.D., Pierce C.E., Robinson, H.J. & Dorling, S.R. (1992)
an Assessment of the Influence of Climate on Wet Acidic Deposition in
Europe. Environmental Pollution 75, 111-119.
Dorling, S.R., Davies, T.D. & Pierce, C.E. (1992) Cluster Analysis:
Technique for Estimating the Synoptic Meteorological Controls on Air and
Precipitation Chemistry - Method and Applications. Atmospheric Environment
26A, 2575-2581.
Dorling, S.R., Davies, T.D. & Pierce, C.E. (1992) Cluster Analysis:
Technique for Estimating the Synoptic Meteorological Controls on Air and
Precipitation Chemistry - Results from Eskdalemuir, S.Scotland.
Atmospheric Environment 26A, 2583-2602.
Dorling, S.R., Davies, T.D. & Pierce, C.E. (1992) Cluster Analysis
and the
Meteorological Controls Influencing Precipitation Chemistry at
Eskdalemuir, Scotland, 1981-84. pp 1521-1532 Proceedings of the Fifth
Int.Conf. on Precipitation Scavenging and Atmosphere-Surface Exchange
Processes, Richland, Washington, July 1991.
Dorling, S.R. (1992) Cluster Analysis and the Meteorological
Air and Precipitation Chemistry in North-west Europe. Ph.D Thesis,
University of East Anglia.
Dorling, S.R. & Tovey, N.K. (1994) The Carbon Dioxide Costs of
and Operating a Nuclear Power Station. In: The Risk Report - The
Moratorium on Nuclear Plant Construction in the UK. The Power Trust.
Dorling, S.R. & Davies, T.D. (1995) Extending Cluster
Meteorology Links to Characterise Chemical Climates at Six Northwest
European Monitoring Stations. Atmos. Env. 29, 145-167.
Jones, J., Davies, T.D & Dorling, S.R. (1995) Assessment of the Use
Principal Components Analysis to relate Air and Precipitation Chemistry to
Climate. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85, 1569-1574.
Dorling, S.R. & Gardner M.W. (1996) Educational Meteorology at the
University of East Anglia. Proceedings of the Fourth International
Conference on School and Popular Meteorological and Oceanographic
Education, Edinburgh, pp 56-59.
Cawley, G.C. & Dorling, S.R. (1996) Reproducing a Subjective
Classification Scheme for Atmospheric Circulation Patterns over the United
Kingdom using a Neural Network. Proceedings of the International
Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN '96), pp 281-286.
Gardner, M.W. & Dorling, S.R. (1996) Neural Network Modelling of
Influence of Local Meteorology on Surface Ozone Concentrations.
Proceedings of the First Int. Conf. on Geocomputation, Leeds, pp
Dorling, S.R. et al. (1996) Atmospheric Processes, pp7-32 In:
Global Acid
Deposition Assessment. World Meteorological Organization Global Atmosphere
Watch, Report Number 106, Edited by D.M. Whelpdale and M.S. Kaiser.
King, A.M. & Dorling, S.R. (1997) PM10 Particulate Matter - the
Significance of Ambient Levels. Atmospheric Environment 31 (15),
King, A.M. & Dorling, S.R. (1998) Energy Technology Support Unit
No. N/01/00033/REP, "Comparisons of Non-Urban Levels of PM10 Particulate
Matter, Urban Network and Meteorological Data."
Dorling, S.R. & Davies T.D. (1998) Final report to the Electricity
Board, Dublin, "Precipitation Chemistry Monitoring at the Burren and
Capard 1985-1994."
Gardner, M.W. & Dorling, S.R. (1998) Artificial Neural Networks
Multilayer Perceptron) - a Review of Applications in the Atmospheric
Sciences. Atmospheric Environment 32 (14/15), 2627-2636.
Jickells, T.D., Dorling, S.R., Deuser, W.G., Church, T.M., Arimoto,
R. and
Prospero, J. (1998). Dust Fluxes to a Deep Water Sediment Trap in the
Sargasso Sea. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 12(2), 311-320.
Cardenas, L.M., Austin, J.F., Burgess, R.A., Dorling, S. et al
Correlations between CO, NOy, O3 and Non-Methane Hydrocarbons and their
relationships with meteorology during winter 1993 on the North Norfolk
Coast, UK. Atmospheric Environment 32(19), 3339-3351.
Dorling, S.R. & Gardner, M.W. (1998) Neural network based air
modelling in London, UK - What are the data requirements for accurate
simulations? Proceedings of the 2nd Urban Environment Symposium of the
American Meteorological Society, Albuquerque, USA, pp 30-33.
Gardner, M.W. & Dorling, S.R. (1999) Neural network modelling and
prediction of hourly NOX and NO2 concentrations in urban air in London.
Atmospheric Environment 33(5), 709-719.
Dorling, S.R., King, A.M., Merefield, J.M., Stone, I.M. & Hall, K.
A Comparative Study of the Chemical Composition of TEOM Particulate
Filters Collected in Urban and Rural South-East England. Proceedings of
the 2nd International Conference on Urban Air Quality, Madrid
Chatterton, T., Dorling, S.R., Lovett, A.A. & Stephenson, M. (1999)
Quality in Norwich, UK - A multi-faceted strategy to assess the
significance of city, county and regional pollution sources. Proceedings
of the 2nd International Conference on Urban Air Quality, Madrid
Dorling, S.R. & Gardner, M.W. (1999) Artificial Neural Networks -
Practical Tools for Urban Air Quality Management ? Proceedings of the 2nd
International Conference on Urban Air Quality, Madrid, pp125-126.
King, A.M., Jones, A.M., Dorling, S.R. et al (1999) Study for
Sampling, Sizing and Analysis for Composition. ETSU Report No.
Gardner, M.W. & Dorling, S.R. (1999) Statistical Surface Ozone
Models: An
improved methodology to account for non-linear behaviour. Atmospheric
Environment 34 (1), pp21-34.
Gardner, M.W. & Dorling, S.R. (1999) Meteorologically adjusted
trends in
UK daily maximum ozone concentrations. Atmospheric Environment 34 (2),
Greig, A., Dorling, S.R. et al (2000) APPETISE. Proceedings of the
Pollution 2000 conference.
Chatterton, T., Dorling, S.R., Lovett, A.A. & Stephenson, M. (2000)
Quality in Norwich, UK multi-scale modelling to assess the significance of
city, county and regional pollution sources. Environmental Monitoring &
Assessment 65 (1-2), 425-433.
Gardner, M.W. & Dorling, S.R. (2001) Artificial Neural Network
Trends in Surface Ozone Concentrations. Journal of the Air & Waste
Management Association 51, 1202-1210.
Gardner, M.W. &Dorling, S.R. (2001) Decomposition of the
and meteorological components of the hourly NOx concentrations in Central
London using artificial neural networks. Proceedings of the 23rd NATO/CCMS
International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its
Application, Varna, Bulgaria 1998.
Doyle, M. & Dorling, S.R. (2001) Satellite based monitoring of
Plumes. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Urban Air
Quality, Loutraki, Greece.
Doyle, M., Chatterton, T. & Dorling, S.R. (2001) A Preliminary
of Patterns of PM10 and PM2.5 in a busy shopping area in Norwich UK.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Urban Air Quality,
Loutraki, Greece.
Chatterton, T., Dorling, S.R., Lovett, A. & Stephenson M. (2001)
Relative Influences of Primary and Secondary Particulates to Urban Air
Quality in the United Kingdom. Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on Urban Air Quality, Loutraki, Greece.
Foxall, R., Krcmar, I., Cawley, G., Dorling, S.R. & Mandic, D.P.
(2001) On Nonlinear Processing of Air Pollution Data. Proceedings of
the 5th International
Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Data Mining, ICANNGA 2001,
Prague, Czech Republic.
Cawley, G., Dorling, S.R., Foxall, R.J. & Mandic, D.P. (2001)
Estimating the Costs Associated with Worthwhile Predictions of Poor Air
Quality. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Artificial
Neural Networks and
Data Mining, ICANNGA 2001, Prague, Czech Republic.
Chatterton, T. & Dorling, S.R. (2002) Examining the potential for
authorities in Norfolk to reduce PM10 concentrations in their areas. Clean
Air 32, 25-27.
Doyle, M. and Dorling, S.R. (2002) Visibility Trends in the UK
1950-1997. Atmospheric Environment 36 (19), 3161-3172.
Foxall, R.J., Cawley, G.C., Talbot, N.L.C., Dorling, S.R. and
Mandic, D.P.
(2002) Heteroscedastic regularised kernel regression for prediction of
episodes of poor air quality. In Proceedings of the European Symposium on
Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN-2002), pages 19-24, Bruges, Belgium,
April 2002.
Foxall R.J, Cawley G.C, Dorling S.R. and Mandic D.P. (2002) Error
for Prediction of Episodes of Poor Air Quality. In Proceedings of the
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN-2002),
volume 2415 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 1031-1036,
Madrid, Spain. Springer.
Kukkonen J, Karppinen A, Wallenius L, Ruuskanen J, Patama T, Kolehmainen
M, Dorling S.R, Foxall R, Cawley G.C, Mandic D, Chatterton T,
Zickus M and
Greig A (2002) Evaluation of Neural Network, Statistical and Deterministic
Models Against the Measured Concentrations of NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 in an
Urban Area. Accepted for Presentation at the Eighth International
Conference on Harmonisation Within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for
Regulatory Purposes, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2002.
Doyle, M. & Dorling, S.R. (2002) Satellite and ground-based
monitoring of
Plumes. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 2, 615-629.
Chatterton, T., Dorling, S.R., Lovett, A. & Stephenson M. (2002)
Relative Influences of Primary and Secondary Particulates to Urban Air
Quality in the United Kingdom. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 2,
Cawley, Gavin C., Haylock, Malcolm, Dorling, Stephen R., Goodess,
Clare and Jones, Philip D. (2003) Statistical downscaling with artificial
neural networks. In: Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural
Networks (ESANN-2003), 23-25 April 2003, Bruges, Belgium.
Cawley, Gavin C., Talbot, Nicola L.C., Foxall, Robert J., Dorling,
Stephen R. and Mandic, Danilo P. (2003) Approximately Unbiased Estimation of
Conditional Variance in Heteroscedastic Kernel Ridge Regression. In:
Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks
(ESANN-2003), 23-25 April 2003, Bruges, Belgium.
Dorling, S.R., Foxall, R.J., Mandic, D.P. and Cawley, G.C. (2003)
Maximum-likelihood cost functions for neural network models of air quality
data. Atmospheric Environment 37, 3435-3443.
Schlink, U., Dorling, S.R., Pelikan, E., Nunnari, G., Cawley, G.,
Junninen, H., Greig, A.J., Foxall, R., Eben, K., Chatterton, T.,
Vondr?ek, J., Richter, M., Dostal, M., Bertucco, L., Kolehmainen, M. and
Doyle, M. (2003) A Rigorous Inter-comparison of Ground-level Ozone
Predictions. Atmospheric Environment 37, 3237-3253.
Dorling, S.R., Teck, R.F. and Watts, M.C. (2003) Potential Climate
Induced Impacts on Air Quality. Pp6-9, Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference on Urban Air Quality. Prague, Czech Republic,
Dorling, S.R. and Doyle, M. (2003) Meteorological Classification
Aggregation Approaches in Support of Models-3 Air Quality Simulations.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Urban Air Quality.
Prague, Czech Republic, pp424-427.
Doyle, M. and Dorling, S.R. (2003) Visibility in the UK - Trends
from 1950
to 1997 and the Influence of Meteorology. Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference on Urban Air Quality. Prague, Czech Republic,
Chatterton, T. and Dorling, S.R. (2003) What is the scope for
PM10 concentrations at a local level outside large metropolitan areas?
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Urban Air Quality.
Prague, Czech Republic, pp277-280.
Partanen, L., Kukkonen, J., Karppinen, A., Ruuskanen, J., Patama, T.,
Kolehmainen, M., Dorling, S., Foxall, R. & Cawley, G. (2003)
Inter-comparison of Neural Network, Statistical and Deterministic Models
for Predicting the Concentrations of NO2 and PM10 in Urban Air.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Urban Air Quality.
Prague, Czech Republic, pp277-280.
Kukkonen, J., Partanen, L., Karppinen, A., Ruuskanen, J., Junninen, H.,
Kolehmainen, M., Niska, H., Dorling, S., Foxall, R., Cawley,
G. (2003) Extensive evaluation of neural network models for the
prediction of NO2 and PM10 concentrations, compared with a
deterministic modelling system and measurements in central
Helsinki. Atmospheric Environment 37, 4539-4550.
Nunnari, G., Dorling, S., Schlink, U., Cawley, G., Foxall, R. and
Chatterton, T. (2004) Modelling SO2 Concentration at a Point with
Statistical Approaches. Environmental Modelling and Software 19,
AQEG (2004) Nitrogen Dioxide in the United Kingdom. Defra, London.
Kong, X. and Dorling, S. (2004) Retrieval of Soil Moisture from
ENVISAT ASAR Wide Swath Data. Proceedings of the ENVISAT & ERS Symposium,
Salzburg, Austria.
AQEG (2005) Particulate Matter in the United Kingdom. Defra,
Wood, R., Dorling, S., Warren, R., (2005) Air Pollution and Climate
Change Policies - Review of UK Policy, Clean Air May Issue.
Doyle, M. and Dorling S.R. (2005) Particulate Pollution: New
on Measurement, Source Apportionment and Policy. Proceedings of the 5th
Urban Air Quality Conference, Valencia, Spain.
Wood, F., Burgen, M., Dorling, S., Warren, R. (2006)
Opportunities for Air Pollutant and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction through Local
Transport Planning. Journal of Local Economy 22(1),
Cawley, G.C., Janacek, G.J., Haylock, M.R. & Dorling, S.R. (2007)
Predictive uncertainty in environmental modelling. Neural
20 (4),
AQEG (2007) Climate Change and Air Quality. Defra,
AQEG (2007) Trends in primary nitrogen dioxide in the UK.
DEFRA, London.
Kong, X. and Dorling, S.R. (2008) Near Surface Soil Moisture
Retrieval from ASAR Wide Swath Imagery Using a Principal Component
Analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing 29(10),
Blenkinsop, S., Jones, P.D., Dorling, S.R. and Osborn, T (2008)
Observed and modelled influence of atmospheric circulation on central
England temperature extremes. International Journal of
Climatology 29,
1642-1660. doi: 10.1002/joc.1807
AQEG (2009) Ozone in the United Kingdom. Defra. London.
Kong, X.,Dorling, S.R. & Smith, R. (2011) Soil Moisture
and Validation at an Agricultural site in Norfolk using the Met Office Surface
Exchange Scheme (MOSES). Meteorological Applications 18 (1),
18-27. doi
Hewston, R. and Dorling, S.R. (2011) An Analysis of
Observed Daily Maximum Wind Gusts in the UK. J. Wind Eng. Ind.
99, pp 845-856, doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2011.06.004
Habeebullah, T.M. & Dorling, S.R. (2012) Using the ADMS-Urban Model
to Study the Air Qiality Problems in Norwich, UK. International
Journal of Environmental Sciences Vol.1 No.2, 118-125.
Steele, C.J., Dorling, S.R., von Glasow, R. and Bacon, J.D. (2012)
Idealized WRF model sensitivity simulations of sea breeze types and their
effects on offshore windfields. Atmospheric Chemistry and
Physics Discussions, 12, 15837-15881.
Inness, P.M. and Dorling, S.R. (2013) Operational Weather
Forecasting. Wiley-Blackwell.
Earl, N., Dorling, S.R., von Glasow, R. and Hewston, R. (2013)
1980-2010 variability in UK surface wind climate. J.
Climate, 26(4), 1172-1191. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00026.1
Steele, C.J., Dorling, S.R., von Glasow, R. and Bacon, J.D. (2013)
Idealized WRF model sensitivity simulations of sea breeze types and their
effects on offshore windfields. Atmospheric Chemistry and
Physics, 13, 443-461.
Dorling, S.R. (2013)
Model or Observation Based Agricultural Weather
Indices? Proc. of the JRC/IRI workshop on the Challenges of Index-based
Insurance for Food Security, JRC, Ispra, 2 and 3 May 2012. EC/JRC Scientific and Technical Report Series.
Steele, S., Dorling, S., von Glasow, R. and Bacon, J. (2013) A
Model-Derived Climatology of Sea Breeze Circulations in the Southern North
Sea. 2nd International Conference on Energy Meteorology, Toulouse,
Dorling, S., Steele, C. and Gkousarov, T. (2013) Energy Crop Yield
Variability as a function of weather - a case study of maize in the UK.
2nd International Conference on Energy Meteorology, Toulouse, France.
Gkousarov, T., Dorling, S. and Lovett, A. (2013) Combining
weather typing and satellite-based surface solar radiation monitoring for
the assessment of extremes of solar radiation accumulation. 2nd
International Conference on Energy Meteorology, Toulouse, France.
Outram, F.N., Lloyd, C., Jonczyk, J., Benskin, C.McW.H., Grant, F.,
S.R., Steele, C.J, Collins, A.L., Freer, J., Haygarth, P.M., Hiscock,
K.M. and Lovett, A.L. (2013) High-resolution monitoring of catchment
nutrient response to the end of the 2011-12 drought in England, captured
by the Demonstration Test Catchments. Hydrology and Earth System
Sciences Discussions, 10, 15119-15165
Dorling, S.R., Earl, N. and Steele, C. (2014) Spatial and
temporal variability in the UK wind resource: Scales, controlling factors and
implications for wind power output. In "Weather Matters for Energy",
Troccoli A, Dubus L and Haupt SE, eds, Springer Academic Publishers.
J.D.G., Witek, K., Verweij, W., Jupe, F., Cooke, D., Dorling, S.,
Tomlinson, L., Smoker, M., Perkins, S. and Foster, S. (2014)
Elevating crop disease resistance with cloned genes. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society B,, 369, 20130087. doi:
Bryant, R., McGrann, G., Mitchell, A., Schoonbeek, H., Boyd, L., Uauy, C.,
Dorling, S. and Ridout, C.J. (2014) A change in temperature
modulates defence to yellow (stripe) rust in wheat line UC1041
independently of resistance gene Yr36. BMC Plant Biology,
14:10, doi:10.1186/1471-2229-14-10.
Holley, D.M., Dorling, S.R., Steele, C.J. and Earl, N. (2014)
A climatology of convective available potential energy in Great Britain.
International Journal of Climatology 34(14), pp3811-3824.
DOI: 10.1002/joc.3976
Dorling, S. (2014) Managing climate variability in agriculture
- using
weather forecasting to support farming adaptation. Outlook on
Agriculture, 43 (1), doi: 10.5367/oa.2014.0151.
Steele, C.J., Dorling, S.R., von Glasow, R. and Bacon, J. (In
Press) Modelling sea breeze climatologies and interactions on coasts in
the southern North Sea: Implications for offshore wind energy.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.
DOI: 10.1002/qj.2484
Nesbitt, A., Dorling, S., Kemp, B., Steele, C. and Lovett, A. (In
Impacts of recent climate change and weather variability on the viability
of UK viticulture - combining weather and climate records with producers'
Earl, N., Dorling, S.R. and von Glasow, R.
(In Revision)
Sub-synoptic-scale features associated with extreme surface gusts in UK extra-tropical cyclone
events. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological
Dorling, S.R., Irwin, J. and Monaghan, J.M. (In prep) Combining
climatic and genetic approaches for climate-resilient food production.
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Steve Dorling,
This page last updated 19th December 2014