David Aspero


School of Mathematics, University of East Anglia

E-mail: d dot aspero at uea dot ac dot uk

I am an associate professor of pure mathematics at the School of Mathematics of the University of East Anglia. For contact details see here. ORCID: 0000-0002-7972-2860

Here you can find my CV (last updated 23 February 2025). pdf

Current teaching

This semester (Spring 2024-25) I am teaching Complex integration and ring theory (MTHA5003B), Real analysis (MTHA4003B), and Sets and categories with advanced topics (MTHE6027B). Also, module organizer for MTHA5003B, for the Mathematics Dissertation module (MTH7029Y), and for the Mathematics Projects module (MTHA6005Y).

PhD supervision

I am happy to supervise PhD theses in various flavours of set theory. Please contact me for any further details. Here are two short descriptions of specific PhD projects.

High Forcing Axioms

Cardinal Characteristics Above the Continuum


My work in mathematics is in set theory. I am mostly interested in forcing, forcing axioms, large cardinals, infinite combinatorics, and the interactions between these areas.


I am the recipient, together with Ralf Schindler, of:

My papers

Notes not intended for publication

Some teaching materials

Slides of some talks