The Graduate School in the Faculty of Social Sciences supports our Schools and Research Centres in providing a vibrant and interdisciplinary research and training environment for postgraduate research students.
We offer you the opportunity to conduct high quality and impactful research under the supervision of internationally renowned researchers and to develop skills that will support your future career, whether in academia, industry or elsewhere.
The subject-specific research training available in your home School of Studies will be complemented by an extensive Personal and Professional Development programme delivered through our Graduate School. The programme offers over 80 training sessions per year, covering researcher development and professional skills. In addition, there is an advanced training programme delivered by leading researchers from across the University.
Our training programme is very highly regarded by our students and offers an eclectic and multi-disciplinary forum in which to work and develop as a researcher. Audiences tend to be interdisciplinary and are frequently drawn from other universities, providing opportunities to network.
Our Graduate School is also taking the lead in the development and provision of ‘live-taught’ online training for postgraduate research students. This programme is currently offered to all UEA students and students from over 45 other universities across the UK.
We are a member of the South Eastern Network for Social Sciences (SENSS).